Where in Wrocław you can test for coronavirus [LIST OF PLACES] (as of Oct.16,2020)

(translation from https://www.wroclaw.pl/portal/gdzie-we-wroclawiu-mozna-zrobic-testy-na-koronawirusa)

Coronavirus tests in Wrocław can be performed in NHF facilities and for a fee in commercial laboratories. Tests are reimbursed only in specific cases.
Such coronavirus tests are performed by more and more facilities - some public or private laboratories. Whenever we want to perform such a test, we must make an appointment in advance by calling the numbers intended for registration or by completing the application form.

Institution Opening
Test type
Additional information
Uniwersytecki Szpital Kliniczny
ul. Borowska 213
PLN 505
payment only
by card
external collection point (marked driveway at the Endoscopic Laboratory from the side of the Hospital Emergency Department).

there is no registration

mandatory identity document with PESEL number

results within several hours
ul. Ziębicka 34-38
Mon-Fri 08.00-12.00
PLN 495
The Drive & Go-Thru MOBILE point is located in a tent set up in the Ambulance Service. The test must be purchased via the website.
4 Wojskowy Szpital Kliniczny z Polikliniką SP ZOZ
ul. Rudolfa Weigla 5
Mon-Fri 07.30-12.30 Molecular
PLN 500
Visits should be registered by phone: 261 660 402
Laboratorium Analiz Lekarskich ALAB
ul. Biskupia 8a
Mon-Fri 07.30-12.30
swabbing until
Sat-Sun 08.00-13.00
swabbing until
PLN 500 In order to make an appointment, you must register by phone: 22 349 11 97, phone: 71 356 07 90

The point is CLOSED on October 25, 2020
Laboratorium Analiz Lekarskich ALAB
ul. Nauczycielska 2
Mon-Fri 07.30-12.30 Molecular
PLN 495
plus ~PLN 30 for swabbing
Visits should be registered by phone: 71 32 10372
NZOZ „AURIMED”" Artur Fuławka
Centrum Patologii Molekularnej Cellgen

ul. Piwna 13
The patient selects the convenient time Molecular
PLN 500 Visit to the patient's home. An appointment should be made at: 71 757 52 56
Medyczne Laboratorium Diagnostyczne Biobank
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – PORT

ul. Stabłowicka 147
Mon-Fri 08.00-10.00 Molecular
PLN 435
PLN 485 (the result in English)
The drive-thru test, a swab taken through the window. If you want to come by bike or on foot, please inform us in advance. Prior registration is required for the swabbing. Detailed information.
ul. Grabiszyńska 186/1B
PLN 399
Application for swabbing via the form on the website
Diagnostic point in front of the Wrocławskie Parki Biznesu
ul. Bierutowska 57-59
Mon-Fri 08.00-14.15 Two swabs will be
taken from the test
person at once. The first swab - for a genetic
test (RT-PCR), the second - for a 15-minute, innovative, SensDx SARS-CoV-2 antigen test.
PLN 470

PLN 250
Registration for tests only via the Internet www.testprzesiewowy.pl
Parking of Przychodnia NZOZ Twój Lekarz
ul. Witosa 5
and Friday
Two swabs will be
taken from the test
person at once. The first swab - for a genetic
test (RT-PCR), the second - for a 15-minute, innovative, SensDx SARS-CoV-2 antigen test.
PLN 470

PLN 250
Registration for tests only via the Internet www.testprzesiewowy.pl
ul. Powstańców Śląskich 7a

mobile point, genetic test by appointment at a specific time, result on the following day
PLN 250
Online registration - the test can be purchased via the website or by phone at 56622222

Drive-thru point at the Wrocław Stadium
entry only via gate "A" from Al. Śląska
08.00-12.00 genetic screening test

Can be reached by car, on foot or by bike.

The visit does not require prior appointment.

It is necessary to have a valid identity document (ID card, passport)
PLN 470 If you want to be served faster, download from the DOWNLOAD tab a referral for a swab in Polish or English and bring the already completed one to the collection point. Do not sign it - this action must be performed in the presence of the point employee.

Test results by e-mail within 48 hours from the receipt of the sample by the laboratory.
Reimbursed tests for the presence of coronavirus are performed in specific cases:
  • in patients hospitalized or consulted in infectious diseases wards (according to doctor's recommendations),
  • in people who had contact with people who have been confirmed to be infected,
  • in patients who are in home isolation, as defined by the national infectious disease consultant
  • in people who live with a person who is in the so-called home insulation,
  • in patients admitted to hospitals other than the same name when there is a suspicion of coronavirus infection,
  • in primary care patients consulted by a primary health care physician (also as part of teleportation), when the clinical picture or epidemiological history indicate the possibility of infection
  • with key personnel for the functioning of the state if the quarantine can be shortened,
  • in people staying in home quarantine, if there are symptoms suggesting infection.
Currently, two types of coronavirus tests are performed.
Genetic (molecular) tests are the most effective and reliable. They are officially recommended by the World Health Organization. The waiting time for the results of the genetic test is from few to several hours. The real-time RT-PCR test is a standard for SARS-CoV-2 testing and is performed by all people suspected of being infected. However, this type of test is not always 100 percent reliable and if the result is positive, the patient should undergo a genetic test.
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