A letter from the Rector of the WUEB to the academic community

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of the Academic Community

The world, Poland, Wroclaw and our University are facing a phenomenon that has not yet occurred in this century - a pandemic and a threat to life for an unknown yet number of people. Countries and their specialized organizations are making efforts to implement tools that reduce the mass threat to citizens' lives.

For several days at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business we have been fighting our battle with the threat to the health and life of students and employees. The only attitude in this situation is common sense and mutual trust. I would like to inform everyone that, responding to the threat, I have set up a Crisis Management Team with which we jointly organize the University's life in these very unusual conditions.

As a Rector, I am aware of the responsibility for university management decisions. Those must be made in accordance to the decisions of the Government of the Republic of Poland and its organs and taking into account the duties of lecturers, administrative staff and the needs of students and doctoral students. None of us have experience of working in such a situation. That is why, despite the pressure of time and solutions proposed from various sides, I am obliged to make sensible decisions that will ensure, first of all, security and, secondly, the ability to continue the University's activities.

I also want to thank my direct colleagues, vice-rectors and deans as well as lecturers, administrative staff and finally students for their patience and respectworthy attitude towards the threat. It is an honor to be at the forefront of a community that understands the seriousness of the situation despite the difficulties.

I was planning to address you earlier, but first I decided, together with the Crisis Management Team and the Rector's Board, to prepare our University to survive these difficult for all of us days in the face of impending danger. I want to emphasize that we have launched remote education on a scale never seen before, thus maintaining the continuity of the didactic process and responding to the needs of students. We take care of the infrastructure and ensure that all our facilities are under constant supervision and are secure. I issued numerous regulations that determine the functioning of the University during this difficult period. Please, follow the instructions arising from them.

I assure you that we are ready for the University to function in crisis conditions and I allow myself to address each of you directly through this letter. Thank you all very much for the way you approached this unique situation in which our University found itself. I also thank those who perform their duties in these difficult moments, as if it was a regular time, devoid of the threat surrounding us. At the same time, I ask everyone to pay attention not only to themselves and their well-being but to take care of their colleagues, friends and relatives who accompany us every day and may not be able to cope with the current situation. Let's all be more empathic and understanding with each other. I appeal to you to behave rationally and verify unconfirmed information and avoid information noise that spreads unnecessary anxiety. From the management staff I expect the organization of work that will allow the timely implementation of commitments while maintaining all necessary security measures. I am also asking for support for those employees who are worried about their health. Please do let me know if any additional protective means are needed.

Our functioning in this difficult situation requires each of us a great deal of prudence, calmness and particular kindness, to help each other. Thank you to everyone who is committed to providing us with the necessary comfort of work in this difficult situation. Thank you all for your understanding and daily work.

Wishing a lot of health for all of us and our families and friends.

Prof. Andrzej Kaleta


Wroclaw, 18th March 2020

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