HR Excellence in Research

HR Excellence in Research

Since 2017, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business has been among the elite group of institutions entitled to use the prestigious HR Excellence in Research logo awarded by the European Commission.

Since receiving the HR Excellence in Research distinction, the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business has implemented a number of solutions that are based on the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers for the recruitment of academic staff conducting research. Practices in the area of research refer to four basic principles:

(click a specific tile for details)

Key benefits of having the distinction
HR Excellence in Research

HR Excellence in Research Action Plan for 2022-2024

Additionally, we invite you to read the brochures published by the European Commission (Source:

  • Charter and Code: what are they? (LINK)

  • Creating an environment of excellence for researchers (LINK)
  • Euraxess for employers (LINK)
  • Euraxess for researchers (LINK)
  • Euraxess for you: Improving your Career (LINK)
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