Strategy implementation

Strategy implementation

The process of implementing the University strategy will be based on the following pillars:

Annual and mid-year strategic review of the University
Strategic organization reviews are used to verify and update the key assumptions of the strategy. They are carried out every six months in the form of extensive workshops, during which the effects of implemented strategic projects are assessed. They formulate conclusions from benchmark analyzes and develop proposals for new strategic projects and also for changes in the University individual appraisals, development plans, budgeting, and controlling systems.

University project management system
The aim of the project management system is to concentrate the initiatives and projects undertaken at the University level on achieving strategic goals. The system will provide project implementation standards and ensure streamlining of project management coordination, monitoring of project implementation indicators, transparent organizational structure that supports cooperation between individual University units, development of teamwork competences, and constant improvement in project management.

University budgeting and controlling system
The University budgeting and controlling system will provide an information database for decision-making, supporting the implementation of the strategy. Budgeting will make it possible to control funding streams in such a way as to ensure adequate financial resources for the implementation or support of individual strategic tasks. The system provides for implementing an information system for controlling, cost accounting, and accountability and improving the methodology of creating budgets and budget control procedures.

University individual appraisals and development plans system
The employee appraisal system and the process of shaping individual career paths will be closely related to the strategic goals of the University. Criteria for the evaluation of research and teaching and administrative staff will be subordinated to the objectives set out in the priority strategic programs. There will also be a cyclical review of employee appraisal criteria, evaluation results, employee development processes, and their confrontation with the current strategic goals of the University and the results of their implementation.

University Rector's awards program

The system of Rector's awards will highlight the achievements of employees aimed at achieving the strategic goals of the University. It will appreciate and distinguish people whose daily activities lead to the implementation of the set strategic priorities. At the same time, awards will be given to people who are directly involved in the implementation of strategic tasks and projects as their leaders and the most active members of project teams. There will also be awards for people who are particularly involved in the implementation of the strategic management process, strategic analyzes and reviews, as well as projects for strategic controlling.

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