Katedra Ekonomii Matematycznej
profesor uczelni
bud. B, pok. 120
ul. Komandorska 118/120
53-345 Wrocław
E-mail: |
pawel.dobrzanski![]() pawel ![]() |
Tel.: | 71 36 80 242 |
Informacje / konsultacje:
Konsultacje w semestrze zimowym 2024/2025: wtorki, 14.45-15.45, (stacjonarnie w pokoju 120B lub zdalnie - MS Teams)
Office hours in Winter term 2024/2025: Tuesdays, 2.45 PM - 3.45 PM, 120B or ONLINE - MS Teams)
ORCID - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3137-7797
Past Visiting Scholar - CES, Harvard University [2023-2024 (Spring 2024)]:
Past Visiting Scholar - CES, Harvard University:
Past Visiting Scholar - University of Cambridge:
Google Scholar:
Director of Studies at The Cambridge Learning Gateway:
Associate Professor at the Wroclaw University of Economics (Faculty of Economics and Finance, Department of Mathematical Economics)
Member of CEDIMES Poland (Centre for Studies in International Development and Economic and Social Movements)
Director of Studies at The Cambridge Learning Gateway
Professor Pawel Dobrzański has carried out many research projects on international competitiveness, the efficiency of an economic system, regional development, growth theories and government policy. His research has been presented in many international conferences such as inter alia in USA, Canada, Singapore, France, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Austria, Croatia, Latvia, Czechia and Slovenia. It has also been published around 40 articles in numerous journals, including JCR, Web of Science and SCOPUS in Polish, English and Russian.
PhD Pawel Dobrzanski completed many research internships at well-known foreign universities. These include Visiting Scholar at University of Cambridge (UK); Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, Post-doc at Université de Laval (Canada); Visiting Scholar at the State University of New York (SUNY), (USA); Post-doc at Université de Bordeaux (France); Post-doc at the CEDIMES Institute, Paris (France) Post-doc at Université Paris Dauphine (France).
He has received numerous outstanding scientific awards. These include: inter alia the Scholarship of Minister of Science and Higher Education for Outstanding Young Researchers in 2019, which is the most important award for young scientists in Poland; the CEDIMES, an organization that was established within the framework of the University Pantheon -Assas (Paris II) in 1972; the institute’s award for the best Ph.D. dissertation in 2015 ("Efficiency and competitiveness of market economies. USA, Japan and Germany" written under the supervision of Full Professor Leon Olszewski); "Iuvenes Wratislaviae" Award of Wroclaw Branch of Polish Academy of Sciences in 2018 for outstanding scientific or artistic achievement; an award for the best presentation at the International Conference “Innovation economics/ Big data in business and economics” – Opatija, Croatia; numerous Rector’s Awards of Wroclaw University of Economics for scientific and research achievements; teaching award obtained based on student surveys with a congratulatory letter from the Dean of the University of Economics in Wroclaw – 2019.
Research Interests: Regional development, Innovation ecosystems, Economic growth, Catching up effect, Effectiveness of Economies, International competitiveness, Inequality, Economic systems, Automotive industry, Innovation.