of the Rector of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
issued on 11 March 2020
regarding the use of places in student dormitories due to the spread of coronavirus
In connection with the cancellation of teaching classes, consultations and other types of education at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, based on Rector's Regulation No. 36/2020 of
March 10, 2020, it is ordered as follows:
Art. 1
1. All residents of student dormitories are advised to leave their rooms with personal belongings, and to leave home by March 16, 2020.
2. Students who leave their rooms by March 16, 2020 will not be charged for a place in a dormitory for the period from check-out to check-in. Students who have paid the fee for March, the payment
will be proportionally credited for the future period or returned at the student's request.
3. In a case of resuming teaching, consulting and other types of education at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, the student is guaranteed the right to return to the room he or she
has occupied previously.
Art. 2
The regulations enters into force on the day of signing.
Prof. Andrzej Kaleta, PhD, Habil