On the basis of Art. 23 Para. 1, in connection with Art. 67 Para. 4 of the Act Law on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018 (Dz. U. of 2020, item 85, as amended) and in connection with the
Act on Special Measures Related to the Prevention, Counteracting and Control of COVID-19, Other Infectious Diseases and Crisis Situations Caused by Them of 2 March 2020 (Dz. U. of 2020, item 374,
as amended), it is ordered as follows:
Art. 1
1. All classes at bachelor and master programs in the winter semester of the 2020/2021 academic year, subject to Paragraph 2, will be conducted remotely, except for laboratory classes of
Management and Production Engineering major, which will be conducted in a stationary mode at the University.
2. All classes at the Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) studies will be conducted remotely. In exceptional cases, upon a justified written request of the EMBA Program Director,
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Academic Programs may give approval to conduct some of the above-mentioned classes in stationary mode at the University.
3. All classes at the Doctoral School will be conducted remotely. In exceptional cases, upon a justified written request of the Dean of the Doctoral School, the Rector may give approval to conduct
some of the above-mentioned classes in stationary mode at the University.
4. All classes at doctoral studies will be conducted remotely. In exceptional cases, upon a justified written request of the relevant head of doctoral studies, the Vice-Rector for Research and
International Cooperation may give approval to conduct some of the above classes in stationary mode at the University.
5. All classes conducted as part of postgraduate studies and training courses will be conducted remotely. In exceptional cases, upon a justified written request of the appropriate head of
postgraduate studies or the appropriate course trainer, the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Academic Programs may give approval to conduct some classes in the stationary mode.
6. All classes at the Third Age University in Wrocław and the Branch in Bolesławiec are suspended until further notice.
7. All classes at the Children's University of Economics and the Young Economist Academy can only be conducted remotely.
8. Bachelor students' internships will be conducted in the manner specified by the entity in which they take place.
9. Academic office hours will be held remotely in terms of time and dates specified in Regulation No. 22/2017 of the Rector of the Wroclaw University of Economics.
Art. 2
The rules and the technique of conducting classes in remote mode and the verification of learning outcomes will be specified in a separate Rector's Regulation.
Art. 3
The regulation enters into force on the day of signing.
Prof. Andrzej Kaleta, PhD, Habil